Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Community Development Network reports...

The Community Development Network (CDN), an association of nonprofit community development organizations in Multnomah County, reports that on November 14, the House of Representatives passed the FY08 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) conference report by a vote of 270-147. The vote was short of the two-thirds majority of those present needed to override a presidential veto.

The same day, the White House issued a Statement of Administration Policy (SAP) on the bill, again threatening a veto because the bill exceeds the president’s spending requests by $3 billion, does not cut what the president has deemed ineffective programs and includes nearly 2,000 earmarks. The HUD portion of the bill contains $183.5 million in Economic Development Initiative earmarks, down from $307 million in such pork spending in FY06. The FY07 HUD spending bill did not include Economic Development Initiative earmarks.

  • HUD money threatened with veto

  • Read more about the National Housing Trust Fund Campaign, the Housing America peitition asking for people to shine a light on the lack of affordable housing, and much more at CDN's website.

  • CDN website

  • P.S. For all of you policy wonks, journalists, activists, concerned citizens, and people on the beat, concerned with affordable housing, this newsletter is a must! Sign up!

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